Перемещение в любой город за одну гемму (11) происходит к гостинице.

Нужно указать номер города: 1 - Sorpigal, 2 - Portsmith, 3 - Algary, 4 - Dusk, 5 - Erliquin.

В темных зонах один источник света гаснет при каждом шаге. Удобно использовать заклинание Lasting Light (C 3-4), создающее сразу двадцать источников света. На картах отмечены места обязательного расположения монстров, кроме того возможны случайные встречи.

Карта города Сорпигаль Might and Magic - Secret of the inner Sanctum

А. "In memory of a long time ago...Before the days when the towns moved underground, dragons were few and far between."
Б. "In honor of Gala...For her brave attempts to work with the savages of the Volcanic Isles."

В. "Services rendered, secrets unfold the brothers together leads to treasures untold. Five towns you must travel for this quest to unravel."
Г."This beast once roamed the Enchanted Forest and now rules a great fortress there."
Д."One by water, one by land, one by air, one by sand. The wheel of luck will favorably pay, the more of these menacing beasts you slay! Although wishes may come true, all the beasts will come anew!"
Е. "There are many dungeons like me, find the right pair and you`ll discover the key. The ancient seer has but his sight. The idols will help to end his plight."
Ж. "Seek the wizard Ranalou in his lair at the Korin Bluffs. Six castles he will send you to but doom will be quite tough. Cruelty and kindness measured throughout. Judgement Day is then sought out."
З. "In honor of Corak...For his mapping expedition of the land of VARN and the rediscovery of the lost town of Dusk."

   - монстры
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   - темная зона

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3. Гостинница
4. Продукты
5. Кузница
7. Тренировочный центр
8. Таверна
9. Люк в подземелье
10. Тюрьма
11. Телепорт в любой город

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